Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Bulwell/Top Valley Beginners - Week 2

Wow! Wasn't it cold tonight, frosty and fresh. We did well not to slip, so no surprise we took it easy tonight. I'm so impressed with you all. It is a wonderful sight, seeing you all running and chatting, both Sarah and I are still amazed. Now down to business…

Stretches and warming up

Now that we're gradually starting to build up our running, I thought it would be good to share with you some of the stretches you might think of doing at the end of your runs - see the end of this post. They cover various different muscles and they are what are called static stretches, i.e. you stay in one place while you're stretching that muscle. If you want to stretch before a run, then it would dynamic stretches (i.e. you're moving while you stretch) that you should think of doing. However, at the moment, we are warming up by doing a nice brisk walk and that's plenty for the start of your run... so we won't worry about dynamic stretches yet!

Rest days

As with last Monday, you worked really hard this evening - each run interval was 50% longer than we were doing the previous week so it's extra important to give yourself a rest day in between today's run and repeating the session later on the week. Doing some other cardio session is fine on a rest day, but give your legs a rest!

Week 2's session plan

Begin with a brisk five-minute walk, then alternate 90 seconds of running with two minutes of walking - you have 6 blocks of running to do altogether. Don't go out too fast when you're running, a relaxed jog and focussing on keeping on moving is your goal to help build stamina. Speed will come later!

Do this 3 times during week 2 if possible.


Total time
Brisk walk

5 minutes

5 mins



90 seconds

6.5 mins
Brisk walk

2 minutes

8.5 mins



90 seconds

10 mins
Brisk walk

2 minutes

12 mins



90 seconds

13.5 mins
Brisk walk

2 minutes

15.5 mins



90 seconds

17 mins
Brisk walk

2 minutes

19 mins



90 seconds

20.5 mins
Brisk walk

2 minutes

22.5 mins



90 seconds

24 mins
Brisk walk

2 minutes

26 mins
Cool down walk

5 mins

31 mins

Staying in touch

As ever, if you've any questions about what we covered during week 2, please drop me an email to nottswomenrunners@gmail.com or text / phone me on 07799146165.

You can also keep in touch with the rest of the group via Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/groups/nottswomenrunners as well as following us on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/nottswomenrun

And finally...

If you'd like to run again during the week and are struggling to find anyone to run with, please let us know and we can try and pair up or run with you.

Have a great running week. Week 3 will amaze you at how much progress you've made! I can't wait!





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