Monday, 9 March 2015

Bulwell/Top Valley Beginners - Week 8

Someone asked on Wednesday for a 5k, I delivered. WOW! each and everyone of you delivered too. You all exceeded your target for the week. You ran further and some of you ran faster. You are runners. It is so amazing to see, although I have to admit to being a little sad that its ending soon. I have loved every Monday running with you. SO......... I am going to carry on a social run on Mondays same time until the improvers start. This will be social and we can decide where and what we do on the night, just informal. What do you think? You have all become such ace runners and friends. Anyway, enough slushy stuff.
Week 8
So... this week's plan... we're very very nearly at the point where you will be able to run for 30 minutes without stopping. Try to do the following 3 times in total this week:
Start with a brisk five-minute walk (properly brisk!) then 28 minutes of running with no walking and a five-minute cool-down walk.

Total time

Brisk walk
5 minutes
5 mins
28 minutes
33 mins

Cool down walk
5 minutes
38 mins

If you want to take it slightly more gently, then replace one of the above runs with the following:
Begin with a brisk five-minute walk, then 14 minutes of running, 1.5 minutes of walking and 14 minutes of running.  As ever though, aim for the 28 minutes.  Even if you have a bad run, remember, it's only a blip - you've worked really hard to get to the point where you can call yourself a runner... and all runnrs have runs that aren't so great!
That's me for this week.
Wednesday: extra run 6:30 at Tesco
Claire is leading
(just to see if she has read this far haha)
Watch Pinky, I mean Sarah on Notts TV at 6:30. Lets hope we get lots of new runners.
International Women's Day - 8th March
Next Sunday is International Women's Day and to celebrate that and our week 9 run, where you'll run for 30 minutes non-stop, we're going to paint the park purple! So... come along, wear something purple - from purple hats to purple shoes, tops, leggings... we don't mind - and enjoy your achievement as well as showing Colwick how fabulous you are. If you know any other female runners who'd like to join us on that day, just get them to come along for 11am and we'd love them to run with us. We're going to be having a sweaty beetroot-faced running selfie competition (I will have my camera if you don't have one!) where you could win some fabulous socks. We'll be live Tweeting from the run. And we'd love it if you'd take pictures and share them on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram... or wherever you fancy! Just tag them #nottswr and we'll track them down!

As part of graduation from our Beginners' course, we'll be doing a parkrun together on the 14th of March at Colwick. It's an early start at 9am... and I know some people are feeling a bit nervous about be. But... don't be! There are people of all ages who do parkruns. From teeny tinies to people in their 70s and 80s. Some people run... some run fast, some slower. Some people run-walk. Some people walk the whole thing. The main thing is enjoying being active together.

So, what do you need to do to take part? Well, register. Go to and fill in the simple registration form. Select Notts Women Runners as your club and then once that's done, you'll get a barcode which you need to print off and bring with you to the parkrun on the day.
We'll all meet at the Adventure Centre (where we turn to go around the little lake) at about 8:50, so we've got time to chat, get rid of some nerves and take photos! If our NWR t-shirts have come by then... wear those... otherwise anything purple would be good! If you've parked near the racecourse and walked across, you'll already have done your 5 minute warm-up walk. At 9am, they ring a bell... and you run - first around the little lake, then around the big lake, then back around the little lake. There are marshalls at various points on the course to show you where to go, and we'll all be there to cheer you on as well! At the end, you're given a little plastic chip which you then take along with your barcode to the people with the barcode scanners. They scan both of them, give you back your barcode and your time and position are recorded. That's it!

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